早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Sunday,April 16,2014 Fine
Today our class organized trip to a forest.We went by bus and it took us two hours to get to the forest.When we arrived,we walked through the forest separately.We were recorded all the wildlife and plants we could see in the forest as we walked.When we found an unknown plant,we wrote it down in our notebook.At lunch time we made a fire in the open and cooked the meal over it.After lunch,we came to a river and tested the water to see if it was polluted.(亮点句型一)Late in the afternoon we returned.To our joy,we not only learned about some wildlife and plants,but also enjoyed ourselves very much.(亮点句型二)I hope I'll have another chance to go out for a more interesting outing.
Today our class organized trip to a forest.We went by bus and it took us two hours to get to the forest.When we arrived,we walked through the forest separately.We were recorded all the wildlife and plants we could see in the forest as we walked.When we found an unknown plant,we wrote it down in our notebook.At lunch time we made a fire in the open and cooked the meal over it.After lunch,we came to a river and tested the water to see if it was polluted.(亮点句型一)Late in the afternoon we returned.To our joy,we not only learned about some wildlife and plants,but also enjoyed ourselves very much.(亮点句型二)I hope I'll have another chance to go out for a more interesting outing.
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