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sky is the limit这句话是什么意思
sky is the limit这句话是什么意思
The sky is the limit. 没有限制(尤指花钱方面).
be raised to the skies 升天, 死去 drop from the skies 突然出现, 如同天降 If the sky falls we shall catch larks. [谚]如果天塌下来, 我们可以捉云雀; 何必杞人忧天; 异想天开. in the skies 得意洋洋 laud [praise, extol] sb. to the skies 把(某人)捧上天 out of a clear [blue] sky 晴天霹雳一样地, 突然; 突如其来地 rend the skies [air] 响彻云霄 to the sky 无保留地, 过分地 under a foreign sky 在异乡[国] under the open sky 露天 sky up (猎物)向上飞
be raised to the skies 升天, 死去 drop from the skies 突然出现, 如同天降 If the sky falls we shall catch larks. [谚]如果天塌下来, 我们可以捉云雀; 何必杞人忧天; 异想天开. in the skies 得意洋洋 laud [praise, extol] sb. to the skies 把(某人)捧上天 out of a clear [blue] sky 晴天霹雳一样地, 突然; 突如其来地 rend the skies [air] 响彻云霄 to the sky 无保留地, 过分地 under a foreign sky 在异乡[国] under the open sky 露天 sky up (猎物)向上飞
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