早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.A:Their football team is much stronger than the other two.
B:Their football team is ______ ______ of the _____.
2.A:I prefer science to any other subject.
B:I like science _____ _____ any other subject.
3.A:Jane went shopping yesterday,and I went shopping,too.
B:Jane went shopping yesterday and ______ _____ I.
4.A:This room is not big.It can't hold a lot of people.
B:This room is not big_____ ______ hold so many people.
5.A:That machine doesn't work.
B:There is______ ______ with that machine.
6.A:The snow was very heavy last night.
B:It _____ ______ last night.
7.A:His uncle no longer works here.
B:His uncle _____work here ______ longer.
8.A:This is the most important thing at this moment.
B:This thing is _____ important than anything ______ at this moment.
9.A:He was so angry that he couldn't .say a word.
B:He was ______ angry _______ say a word.
10.A:Zhang Tao speaks English better than any other student in his class.
B:______ speaks English so _____ as Zhang Tao.
1.A:Their football team is much stronger than the other two.
B:Their football team is ______ ______ of the _____.
2.A:I prefer science to any other subject.
B:I like science _____ _____ any other subject.
3.A:Jane went shopping yesterday,and I went shopping,too.
B:Jane went shopping yesterday and ______ _____ I.
4.A:This room is not big.It can't hold a lot of people.
B:This room is not big_____ ______ hold so many people.
5.A:That machine doesn't work.
B:There is______ ______ with that machine.
6.A:The snow was very heavy last night.
B:It _____ ______ last night.
7.A:His uncle no longer works here.
B:His uncle _____work here ______ longer.
8.A:This is the most important thing at this moment.
B:This thing is _____ important than anything ______ at this moment.
9.A:He was so angry that he couldn't .say a word.
B:He was ______ angry _______ say a word.
10.A:Zhang Tao speaks English better than any other student in his class.
B:______ speaks English so _____ as Zhang Tao.
1、 A:their football team is much stronger than the other two .B:Their football team is the strongest of the three.2、 A:I prefer science to any other subject.B:I like science more than any other su...
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