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张娇满分考进耶鲁大学向她表示祝贺 问她学习方法和以后计划 写一篇英语作文
Dear ZhangJiao,
I’m glad to hear that you have been accepted by Yale University, I know it is the result from your hard work and strength. Congratulations! I hope that you’ll work even harder in the future and get more knowledge and skills.I wish you progress in study.
I’m facing the college entrance examination which is significant for a high school student, under the pressure of graduation,I’m so nervous, as we all know it isn't easy to be so brilliant for a high school student,so can you give me some ideas to study better?
Anyway, for Chinese student, college life is a new beginning ,they can enjoy their spare time better ,how about you? Have you planned to live a colorful college life? Wish you a pleasant college life.
I’m glad to hear that you have been accepted by Yale University, I know it is the result from your hard work and strength. Congratulations! I hope that you’ll work even harder in the future and get more knowledge and skills.I wish you progress in study.
I’m facing the college entrance examination which is significant for a high school student, under the pressure of graduation,I’m so nervous, as we all know it isn't easy to be so brilliant for a high school student,so can you give me some ideas to study better?
Anyway, for Chinese student, college life is a new beginning ,they can enjoy their spare time better ,how about you? Have you planned to live a colorful college life? Wish you a pleasant college life.
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