早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
in august,she was struck by a very heavy storm during which her rudder was torn away.这里的which是什么用法?是一个定语从句吗?
this greatly reduced the speed of the ship,for there was a danger that if she travelled too quickly,this rudder would be torn away as well.that 后面引导什么从句?this rudder would be torn away as well前加了逗号,整个句子不变成两句话了吗?
in august,she was struck by a very heavy storm during which her rudder was torn away.这里的which是什么用法?是一个定语从句吗?
this greatly reduced the speed of the ship,for there was a danger that if she travelled too quickly,this rudder would be torn away as well.that 后面引导什么从句?this rudder would be torn away as well前加了逗号,整个句子不变成两句话了吗?
in august,she was struck by a very heavy storm during which her rudder was torn away.这里的which是一个定语从句.
this greatly reduced the speed of the ship,for there was a danger that if she travelled too quickly,this rudder would be torn away as well.that 后面引导同位语从句,做danger 的同位语,从句的连词是that ,从句中又用了条件状语从句 if she travelled too quickly,this rudder would be torn away as well来表述.
this greatly reduced the speed of the ship,for there was a danger that if she travelled too quickly,this rudder would be torn away as well.that 后面引导同位语从句,做danger 的同位语,从句的连词是that ,从句中又用了条件状语从句 if she travelled too quickly,this rudder would be torn away as well来表述.
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