早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
题目:experience of leaning english
good moring(或者afternoon),boys and girls.i'm gald that our teacher gave me the chance that i could stand here.now i' going to tell you my experience of learning english.
as everyone knows,practice make perfect.english, a kind of language ,is the same. only elegance can make win a good english result.
firstly,i cave the words need to remmenber in my mind.like building a house need much brick.words to english is brick to house!
then ,read more .via readding you can learn much knowledge beyond the classes.i've learned much slanges by readding. then you?
of course, you must write!only by this way tou can check weather you have learned and remmenbered the words and slanges
at last ,you must perseverant...a man without a strong heart will fell whatever he does! persist in what i said you wiil find you english is very good one day!
good moring(或者afternoon),boys and girls.i'm gald that our teacher gave me the chance that i could stand here.now i' going to tell you my experience of learning english.
as everyone knows,practice make perfect.english, a kind of language ,is the same. only elegance can make win a good english result.
firstly,i cave the words need to remmenber in my mind.like building a house need much brick.words to english is brick to house!
then ,read more .via readding you can learn much knowledge beyond the classes.i've learned much slanges by readding. then you?
of course, you must write!only by this way tou can check weather you have learned and remmenbered the words and slanges
at last ,you must perseverant...a man without a strong heart will fell whatever he does! persist in what i said you wiil find you english is very good one day!
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