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每个人都要说哦!比较简单的、常见的 、易懂的
先谢谢了啊!如果好的 话
one day a meets b,c,d in the park.
a:hi,fancy meeting you here!
c:oh,we haven't seen you for ages,where have you gone these days?
d:we thouhgt you were kidnapped by UFO!
a :why not?wonderful experience,isn't it?
b:so ,where have you been on earth?
a:well,i went to australia to .
d:really?are you kidding me?
c; maybe he has been there in his dream,to tell you the truth!
a:yes,i did !i went there with my grandma and grandpa,they invite me to see there house and beach in sydney !
d:my god!it's really cool !
c:oh ,so you met beautihul girls and had a lot of lobsters aren't you lucky?
a:maybe,in this summer vocation,i am gonna spend 20 days with my grandparents on Great Barrier Reef.
b:could you take me there?maybe in your luggage!it's okay!...
a:.on,thank you ...but...
c:would you come to my house tonight?my mother will make apple-pie!
a:ah ,maybe .
d:my sister Linda has asked me to invite you to her party tonight,would you like to come with us
A:thanks !see you at seven !
b & c:speechless(无语).

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