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Can you imagine living in the desert for a whole year,watching the a 66 of a group busy ants?Deborah Gordon did exactly that.She finally found out that there were f 67 main groups of workers in the ant team:cleaners,haulers (搬运工),gatherers (采购员) and security ants (保安员).E 68 group did their own jobs to achieve the goal of the whole team.
Cleaner ants carried waste food from i 69 the nest (巢穴) to outside.Hauler ants walked on the top of the nest and cleared rubbish.Gatherer ants w 70 out to find food for the whole team and security ants fought against a 71 who wanted to hurt the members of the team.
While she was watching the ants in the desert,Deborah f 72 that the most interesting part was watching the ants dealing with difficulties,such as fighting against o 73 insects that wanted to destroy their nest.At those moments,they would all s 74 what they were doing and go to help security ants to protect their h 75 .
What do we do when people around us meet difficulties?It’s time to think!
这篇文章主要是讲蚂蚁的日常分工合作的问题,做这种题目的时候一般先通篇看一下文章 了解大概说的是什么 掌握了大意以后 再一个空一个空去推敲 比如通篇看来 蚂蚁的活动也都是用的过去式 这就决定了动词的形式都是要用过去的时态 一般过去式 过去进行时等等...
66 activities 看了全文的内容以后确定是蚂蚁的“活动”
67 four 你会发现冒号后面有四种不同的蚂蚁群分工,所以应该是一个数字
68 Each 前面说了有四个分工的group 所以这里紧接着说每一个组具体的工作
69 inside 从里到外 后面有个outside 对应起来
70 went 外出寻找食物 go out to find food 然后要结合全文改用一般过去式
71 anything 其他任何事物吧...或者楼上的 anyone...
72 found 要用过去式因为前面是 she was watching
73 other 与其他的昆虫搏斗
74 stopped 停止 结合通篇时态 也用一般过去式
75 home 个人认为最后一句话要结合全文来看,Deborah发现蚂蚁遇到困难的时候最有趣,当遇到危险和困难的时候 其他蚂蚁都会停下自己的工作去帮助“保安员”蚂蚁 以保护自己的家园.那么我们人类呢如果遇到困难 应该怎么做呢?
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