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This is really a very fast game.Both sides are fighting for the ball all the time.We are enjoying every
minute of it.Loud shouts can be heard here and there.Willis has the ball now.This is only his third game for
England,but he's playing so well that it won't be his last,I'm quite sure.
Willis passes the ball to Cotton.Cotton kicks it over the heads of the Frenchmen towards the goal.But he's
too far away.Dupont picks it up easily and throws it to Paton.
France and England still have one goal each,and there are only two minutes left.At this moment,anything
can happen.Paton kicks the ballacross to Crozat.It's a beautiful kick.But Stevens jumps and just stops the
ball with the side of his head.But Menier is there.He passes it to Crozat,and Crozat,without any hesitation
(犹豫),puts he ball into the back of the goal.It's a great surprise to us.I've never seen such a goal like this.
And the game is over.France has won the cup.
3."At this moment,anything can happen" means " ".

[D ]
A.The ninety minutes will end in a draw
B.There is time for another goal
C.The game is nearly over
D.Either A or B
4.How many goals had the French players kicked by the end of the match?

[B ]
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