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帮忙修改一下英语演讲稿!急 15号以前改好
Feishi time,the years rush.In a monment,Beijing Olympic Games has arrived. Beijing, China for the arrival of the Olympic Games have long made full preparations.
In order to meet the Olympic Games, the athletes also made full preparations and paid a heavy price.
In August 8 this day, the cheers in the world, in the sound of high cry. Beijing, China in the Olympic Games will officially begin! That day, the people in the world speak with one sentence: One World, One Dream. That deafening sound, and acoustic power.
In the ensuing past few days, a fair and a gold medal in the competition was born, and every athlete in all their hard work and sweat was in honor.
Friendship first, competition second. In fact, honor the athletes, not the most important, the most important thing is to let each and every member of the Olympic spirit to pass.
2008, no longer is everyone's desire. 2008, no longer is everyone's hope. 2008, will no longer be everyone's desire.
"One World, One Dream" Let us together for the Olympics Come on!
Time flies.Beijing Olympic Games is coming . China is ready!Beijing is ready!
All the athletes have made full preparations and paid a heavy price in order to take part in the Olympic Games.
And we can say they are ready!
The Olympic Games will officially begin at Beijing,China,with cheeres and whoops from all over the world ,on August 8! That special day, the people around the world will just tell one sentence: One World, One Dream. That's a deafening sound, and has acoustic power.
The following days,each gold medal will have its owner after each final and absolutely every sports event will be taken under fair.All the athletes will be honored for their hard work and sweat.
Friendship first, competition second. In fact, glory is not the most important to each athlete,what's most important is that let each and every member carry forward the Olympic spirit.
2008 is no longer a desire. 2008 is no longer a hope. 2008 is no longer a wish.
"One World, One Dream" Let us join together and applaud for the Beijing Olympics !
是开幕之前的演讲词 还是之后的 或者当天的
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