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跪求一篇关于举办奥运会益处的英语作文,80字左右.需用到“have a major effect on the economy;bring international prestige to the country;The host cities are permanently improved ;be rewarding”
As we all know, Olympic game is a sacred activity. So there will be a lot of benefits for being a country to hold the most important sport event in this world. First of all, it has a major effect on the economy in that country, because the huge amount of people will come to the host country for attending this event, they are providing a good opportunity for the development of tourism and some other related industries, so that the host cities will also be permanently improved. Normally, the athletics will be more confident and achieve good result due to the host factor, so when they obtain a certain reward, they will also win the respect from other players, and this will definitely bring international prestige to the host country.
(Eminem 版权所有!不准抄袭!)
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