早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Why was O.J.Simpson murder case called "Trial of the Century"?What kind of judicial phylosophy did it reflect?
Why was O.J.Simpson murder case called "Trial of the Century"?What kind of judicial phylosophy did it reflect?
1 Some Democrats objected,but the Senate Judiciary Committee has approved the nomination of President Bush's choice for Attorney General Michael Mukasey.Those who voted "NO" say they did so because Mukasey had refused to call the interrogation practice called waterboarding "torture".
President Bush's choice to replace Albeto Gonzales as Attorney General has been confirmed by the Senate.The vote on Michael Mukasey was 53-40.Mukasey was confirmed despite concerns by some that he wouldn't say whether he thinks waterboarding is tortured.
2 It's day to O.J.Simpson's preliminary hearing in Los Vegas over a reported armed robbery.The hearing is deciding whether Simpson and two other men should stand trial on twelve criminal charges.
1 Some Democrats objected,but the Senate Judiciary Committee has approved the nomination of President Bush's choice for Attorney General Michael Mukasey.Those who voted "NO" say they did so because Mukasey had refused to call the interrogation practice called waterboarding "torture".
President Bush's choice to replace Albeto Gonzales as Attorney General has been confirmed by the Senate.The vote on Michael Mukasey was 53-40.Mukasey was confirmed despite concerns by some that he wouldn't say whether he thinks waterboarding is tortured.
2 It's day to O.J.Simpson's preliminary hearing in Los Vegas over a reported armed robbery.The hearing is deciding whether Simpson and two other men should stand trial on twelve criminal charges.
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