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名称:  春节(中国最重要的传统节日);
时间:  每年农历正月初一到十五之间;
节前:  打扫房子,帖春联(the Spring Festival Couplets), 买花;
除夕夜: 无论离家多远,这天家庭成员都会赶回来吃团圆饭,其中饺子最受欢迎,人们相信可以带来好运;
正月初一:人们穿新衣服,探亲访友,互相祝福“新年快乐”,给孩子们压岁钱(lucky money);

The Spring Festival, which usually falls between the first and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, is the most important traditional festival in China. Before it, people often clean their houses , put up the Spring Festival Couplets as well as buy many beautiful flowers. On New Year’s Eve, all the family members, no matter how far away they are, will get together to have a big dinner, of which the most popular food is dumpling, because people believe that eating dumplings can bring them good luck. On the first day of the Spring Festival, everyone wears new clothes, visiting their relatives and friends and greeting “Happy New Year” to each other, and what makes children delighted is that they are given lucky money as a gift. Besides, during the festival, people can watch dragon dances and lion dances, both of which are the traditional folk arts dating back to 2000 years ago.

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