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My hometown is in Qingtian,where the four seasons charming scenery!Like a fairyland!
Spring,all things recovery.Frog ran out of the hole,look around,quacking,as if to say:spring is coming!Spring is coming!The flowers in the garden is so beautiful!So delicate fragrance!Basket filled with colorful flowers,lilies,fragrant and pleasant!
In summer,the lotus pond slowly stretch elegant bud.Trees on the hills have become more green and lush!We took off our clothes,cheering!Enjoy running!
In the fall,overgrown with fruit orchard.Sweet and delicious fruit you squeeze me touch,to let people to pick!The woods,the leaves fall down,like a butterfly,more like a floating down the earth fairy.The beautiful people!
Winter,the snow from the sky swirl to drift down.The children put on cotton padded jacket,ran out.Have a snowball fight,some snowman,snowman and to find turnip when nose!
The four seasons of Qingtian is as beautiful as the picture!The four seasons of Qingtian is as beautiful as the fairyland!I love my hometown - Qingtian!
看了 根据自己家长一年四季的天气情...的网友还看了以下:

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