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     This story about an old man and a clever monkey is a very old one.Aesop,a Greek writer,first told
the story many years ago.This monkey belonged to an old man.The old man was very fond of the garden,
so when birds came to the garden,he chased them away.He also helped the old man in many other ways.
The old man often fell asleep during the day in his chair.Then the monkey sat at the old man's side and
chased the flies away from the old men's face.
     One hot afternoon in the summer,the old man was asleep in his chair.A fly came and sat on the end
of the old man's nose.The monkey chased it away.Soon the fly came back and sat on the old man's
nose again.The monkey chased it away.This continued for five or six times.The monkey at last became
very angry.He jumped up,ran to the garden,and picked up a large stone.The next time when the fly sat
on the old man's nose,the monkey hit it hard with the stone.He killed the fly,but unfortunately he broke
the old man's nose.
1.This story was first told by a Greek _____. [     ]
A.famous poet
B.great philosopher
C.fable writer
D.well-known physicist
2.When birds came to the garden,the monkey chased them away.The verb "chase" means _____. [     ]
A.drive out
B.get hold of
C.catch up with
D.keep up with
3.The monkey picked up a large stone,because he wanted _____. [     ]
A.to fight to death
B.to put the fly to death
C.to hit the fly on the head
D.to strike the old man on the nose
4.The monkey at last became angry,because _____. [     ]
A.the old man didn't give him anything to eat
B.the old man made the monkey do nothing
C.the old man often fell asleep during the day in his armchair
D.He couldn't drive the fly away
5.Which of the following statements is true according to this passage? [     ]
A.From this story we can learn; sometimes things done out of harmful will may be good.
B.From this story we can learn; sometimes things done out of good will may be good.
C.From this story we can learn; sometimes things done out of harmful will may be harmful.
D.From this story we can learn; sometimes things done out of good will may be harmful.
1-5  CABDD
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