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你把百度当什么了?不会自己查了!看在你是我哥哥的面子上,提供你几篇:everyone has his trouble, so do I. My trouble is so many that sometimes I feel so annoymous. Then let me tell you my trouble and can you tell me why? My trouble containes the fowlling: homework exame arguing with good friends and money. First and the most importent thing made me so annoymous is too much homework………….THe second thing is ………… ,the third thing is…………,and the last one is………….the reason for my trouble is …………,and I decide that………….可以找这个写,是提纲(上面的) The final exam is drawing near.I know you are worried about it. On one hand, you can't communicte with your parents.On the other hand, you feel lonely at school. So you feel sad and depressedrecently.I am your friends,so I am here for you.I can understand you very well.Don't worry about the exam. Take it easy. The exam is just a test about how we have learned during the last few months. If you work hard at your lessons, you will get good grades. But even if you are not satisfied with your exam results,it doesn't matter so long as you can find your shortcomings.In a word, don't pay too much attention to your scores. The key point is that we should study hard.I think your parents can understand you when you tell the truth. What's more, talk with your classmates about your worries and you will find something common with them and feel better.Cheer up and do your best!
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