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It is 5 years since I have lived here.It is 5 years since I lived here.这两句话分别译为?

It is 5 years since I have lived here.It is 5 years since I lived here.这两句话分别译为?
It is 5 years since I have lived here.(have lived是完成时对吧,完成时表示的是什么?过去发生,然后一直延续到现在,并对现在有影响,很明显,since 后面加的live就是延续性v.故直译为:自从我住在这儿已经5年了. )
It is 5 years since I lived here.(live在这个地方,是瞬间动词,“ since I lived here”从我住在这的那一刻起,故反译为:我已经5年不住这儿了.)