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英语句子结构分析,1.your organisation koffu plc,based in hamilton,has been given the opportunity of setting up a new business venture importing coffee beans from africa packaging them(whole and after grinding)and distibuting the finished produ

1.your organisation koffu plc,based in hamilton,has been given the opportunity of setting up a new business venture importing coffee beans from africa packaging them(whole and after grinding)and distibuting the finished product to wholesalers and retailers and retailers throughout new zaeland.
1..your organisation koffu plc(主语based in hamilton,has been given(我认为应该是非谓语,应该是having been given) the opportunity of setting up a new business venture (宾语)importing(非谓语,现在分词做非谓语) coffee beans from africa(这是一个名词词组?) packaging (这个也是非谓语,可是一个句子能有这么多非谓语吗?)them(whole and after grinding)and distibuting (还是非谓语)the finished product to wholesalers and retailers and retailers throughout new zaeland.
your organisation koffu plc,主语
based in hamilton,插入语:以哈密尔顿为基地
has been given 是谓语,has been given没错
the opportunity of setting up a new business venture宾语
importing coffee beans from africa从非洲进口咖啡豆
(import…from… 从 …进口…)
packaging them(whole and after grinding补充说明咖啡豆的特征)
importing,packaging,and distributing非谓语,并列成分,做宾补.
the opportunity of setting up a new business venture
setting up a new business venture
a(或数词)+量词+of…”结构作定语举例:two pieces of glass两块玻璃
还可以做同位语:the city of Shanghai 上海市,of前的名词正好是of后面那些名词的名称,故后者为前者的同位语)
动词的 -ing形式是动词的一种非谓语形式,由动词原形加 -ing构成,包括 -ing分词和 -ing动名词.可以在句子中用作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补语、状语和定语.
Seeing is believing.
通常为了避免句子主语过于冗长,用it作形式主语.如:It’s nice talking with you.
There + be + no + -ing”结构,此结构的意义相当于“It’s impossible + 不定式”.如:There is no harm in doing so.这样做没有害处.
2. 作表语
Their job is cleaning the window.他们的工作是打扫窗子.
3. 做宾语
Do you feel like having a drink?你想喝点饮料吗?
4. 作宾语补语
There we found him watching TV.我们发现他在那儿看电视.
Mary sat by the window of the classroom, reading a book.(伴随状语)玛丽坐在教室的窗户旁,正在读一本书.
6. 作定语
a leading figure 领导人物