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Isaac Stern是个很有意思的人,他对于音乐的热爱可以感染所有人,他教导中国的学生如何享受音乐,如何用乐器表达自己,表达美丽.中国人的刻苦、毅力全世界闻名,但是我们却缺乏创造力与激情.这样讲并不是技巧不重要,而是很多东西不仅仅是技巧的问题,这也就是很少有中国人能在艺术领域享誉世界的原因.我们有最灵活的手,最聪明的眼耳,却没能创造出最充满爱的作品.也许对于技巧与难度的过分追求反而影响了我们.其实科学也一样,自己限制住了眼和耳,太过看重一些理论上的东西,也许我们需要的仅仅是那一点灵感、一点激情.看的时候我就想,当初那些有幸得到他指导的孩子们现在是否还在从事着音乐,现在是否功成名就,是否活跃在中国音乐领域的最顶峰.那些孩子无疑是幸运的,可能那一次的纠正与鼓励造就了一个惊世之才.

Isaac Stern is a very interesting man, his love for music can appeal to everyone, he taught Chinese students how to enjoy the music, how to use the instrument to express themselves, express the beauty. Chinese hard work, perseverance is famous throughout the world, but we are lack of creativity and passion. This is not the skills are not important, but a lot of things is not only the skills, which is seldom Chinese in the art field of world-renowned reason. We have the most flexible, the most intelligent eye and ear, but failed to create the most full of love. Perhaps for the skill and difficulty excessively affected us. In fact, science is the same, their circumscribed eye and ear, too much importance on some theoretical things, maybe we just need the inspiration, a bit of passion. We can think, when those who are lucky enough to get his guiding children are still engaged in music, now whether to achieve success and win recognition, is active in China in the field of music is the highest peak in. The child is lucky undoubtedly, be that a correct and encourage created a hit only.Heard of the documentary in two, want very much to see, want to see this little old man 20 years after returning to China, to see his old mate, see China's turn the world upside down, see China their talent and effort in the joy.Music can be used to express the. Sometimes it is even more than language.Music has its own colour, even more than the writers brush.I like him such a description, the music is no borders, it constructs the incomparable, blew the world. Regardless of our hands I have what kind of musical instrument, or only one mouth, that is the beauty of the style, the sincere emotion

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