早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


12.The ship was ___ by frog.
A.held on
B.held up
C.held for
D.held at
15.All the people are ___ from riding bikes on the sideway.
D.not allowed
16.If I lived in the city,I ____ travel in crowded buses,but I____to see lots of films.
A.shall have to / shall be able
B.shall have to / am able
C.would have to / were able
D.would have to / would be able
Would you like me_______ where the new library is?
A.showing you
B.to show you
C.show you
D.and show you
he man showed us his ID card.Without that,we ____stopped him from getting in.
A.would have
It is well worth _______to learn how to drive a car.
A.making the effort
B.making effort
C.to make the effort
D.to make an effort
It is a perfect fit,sir.I _______to you otherwise.
A.wouldn't show it
B.wouldn't have shown it
C.wouldn't take it
D.wouldn't have taken it
1. B hold on:等一会,别挂断 hold up:支撑;延迟;展示;C,D无此搭配.此处是船因为大雾而被搁浅了.
2. A prohibit from :禁止 (相关例句:Traffic regulations prohibit people from riding Bicycles on the sidewalk.交通规则禁止在人行道上骑自行车.) stop from 和prevent from :阻止.在这是不恰当的,若C可以选,B亦可.
3.D 第一个空是虚拟语气;第二个空是事实上可以这样子.(有点难解释)
4.B would like to do sth
5.A 他向我们出示了身分证,没有那个的话,我们将会阻止他进入.(这里是虚拟语气,事实上他进去了,与事实相反.所以用would have + 过去分词表虚拟)
6.B worth 后接动词ing,make effort:作出努力
7.B 句中意思是:否则我不会show it to u ,即would n't show it,但事实上已经show啦,所以加个完成时态,即wouldn't have shown it.
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