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英语翻译This Chapter Is Cut Out For You The latest buzzword in publishing?“Chunking,” slicing up books to sell the pieces.Chunking was a hot issue at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October,as nonfiction publishers joined everybody else in trying

This Chapter Is Cut Out For You
The latest buzzword in publishing?“Chunking,” slicing up books to sell the pieces.Chunking was a hot issue at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October,as nonfiction publishers joined everybody else in trying to turn digitization into dollars.Hay House,which puts out self-help and spiritual books,is using some of its content to produce calendars and cards.McGraw-Hill Professional (which,like BusinessWeek,is part of The McGraw-Hill Companies) now sells chapters of such technical books as Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook ($199 for the newest edition).And via its Web site and Amazon.com,Harvard Business Publishing offers digital chapters from 120 of its books.Each costs $6.95,the same as Harvard Business Review has been charging for its articles.Will chunking eat into book sales?McGraw-Hill Professional President Philip Ruppel says people interested in just a chapter or two “would probably not buy the whole book if that was their only choice.”
出版界最新流行词汇是什么?“切书”,即把书切分一份份地卖.在十月份举办的法兰克福图书展上,切书成为大热门,就连写实文学出版商也随大流地加入了这场利用数字化赚钱的争夺战.出版自助书和励志书的Hay House出版社开始用其出版物的部分内容制作挂历和贺卡.McGraw-Hill Professional出版社(同BusinessWeek一样是McGraw-Hill公司的一部分)开始销售诸如《派利的化学工程师手册》(最新版售价199美元)这样技术性书籍的部分章节.Harvard Business出版社通过其网站和亚马逊网提供120本书籍的电子版章节,每章售价6.95美元,同《哈佛商业评论》的文章价格相同.切书会影响图书销售么?McGraw-Hill Professional总裁菲利普拉佩尔表示,那些只对图书的某部分章节感兴趣的消费者原来通常是不会购买整本图书的.