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我因为玩而忘了记单词,老师马上就要来听写了,在这时我想到了作弊,于是在那之前我就把要听写的单词放在了本子下,但还是在听写之前占胜了自己把本子收好了.收好之后我才发现老师在我后面,而且班上同学有些也在看我.真庆幸自己当时那样做 翻译成英语
When I was in Grade 3 in middle schoo, I forgot to recite words because of playing. The teacher was about to have the dictation, so I thought of cheat. I hided the words to be dictated under my book, but I finally overcame myself and put away the hided words before the dictation. I found the teacher was behind me and the other students were staring at me. What was a luck that I didn't do that way.