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英语翻译Railway reaches China's easternmost countyHARBIN - A new passenger rail line connected China's easternmost county of Fuyuan to inland areas Tuesday,and it is expected to boost the economy and tourism in the China-Russia border town.A thre

Railway reaches China's easternmost county
HARBIN - A new passenger rail line connected China's easternmost county of Fuyuan to inland areas Tuesday,and it is expected to boost the economy and tourism in the China-Russia border town.
A three-month passenger service trial was launched after a 169.4 km-long stretch of track was extended to the county from Qianjin Township,Heilongjiang Province,which has been linked by railway with Harbin,capital city of Heilongjiang.
Over the next three months,two passenger trains will run between Fuyuan and Harbin daily.Each trip takes about 17 hours.
The passenger service is expected to increase the number of passengers to the border town to 1 million annually,said Bo Xiru,director of the Heilongjiang provincial tourism bureau.
The railway,the eastern end of which terminates just 12 km from the Russian border,will help to increase visitors and boost tourism in Fuyuan and the border island of Heixiazi (Bolshoy Ussuriysky),said Song Kui,a researcher at the Heilongjiang provincial academy of social sciences.
The tranquil border town is the first place to see the sun rise in China,and it also boasts a well-protected wetland and scenic spots at the confluence of the Heilongjiang (Amur) and Ussuri rivers.
Locals refer to Heixiazi Island,located at the intersection of the Heilongjiang (Amur) and Ussuri rivers,as the "Fuyuan Delta."
China and Russia ended a century-long dispute over the region and held a border redrawing ceremony on October 14,2008,declaring that each side owned half of the 335 square km island.
In November 2010,the two countries agreed to cooperate to develop the island into an eco-tourism zone.In July 2011,China opened its half of Heixiazi Island to tourists.
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哈尔滨 – 周二新的客运铁路线连接起了中国最东边的抚远县和内陆地区,它可望提振中俄边境小镇的经济和旅游业.
在一条169.4 公里长的轨道延伸至黑龙江省前进乡(已与省会哈尔滨通了铁路)之后,为期3个月的客运服务试验开始了.
黑龙江省社科院研究员宋魁认为铁路东部的终点离俄罗斯边境仅有12公里,这将增加抚远的游客数量并提振其旅游业,包括边境的黑瞎子岛(英文写作Bolshoy Ussuriysky)
这个宁静的边境小镇是在中国看第一个看到日出的地方,它还拥有受到良好保护的湿地和位于黑龙江 (阿穆尔)和乌苏里河流汇流处的风景名胜.
当地人将位于黑龙江 (阿穆尔)和乌苏里河流交叉点的黑瞎子岛称为"抚远三角洲".
长达一世纪之久,中国和俄罗斯终于结束了此岛领土归属问题的纠纷,并在 2008 年 10 月 14 日举行的边境重订典礼上宣布每一方各拥有此面积为335 平方公里的岛屿的一半.2010年11月,两国协议合作开发,将该岛变成一个生态旅游区.在2011年7月中国将拥有的一半黑瞎子岛向游客开放.水平有限)