早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享

1.If he______(be)busy,______(not talk)to him2.My father_____(give)me some money if he_______(have)money3.If he______(come)to here tomorrow,I______(not stay)home4.I_____(not go)to school if it______(rain)tomorrow5.Before I_____(give)him the book,I mus

1.If he______(be)busy,______(not talk)to him
2.My father_____(give)me some money if he_______(have)money
3.If he______(come)to here tomorrow,I______(not stay)home
4.I_____(not go)to school if it______(rain)tomorrow
5.Before I_____(give)him the book,I must read it
6.The girl____(go)aroad after she has money
7.While he_____(dirve)to work it____(rain)
8.When he_____(come),Iwas studying
9.Justas the shief_____(run)away a policeman______(see)him
10.By the time he came,I_____(finish)my homework
1 is ,don't
2 would gove,had
3 came ,wouldnt' stay
4 wouldn't ,rained
6 will go
7 was driving,rained
8 came
9 ran,seeing
10 had finish