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Ancient times,in the north of the country,there is a magnificent towering Chengdu contained Tianshan mountains there lived a giant called Kuafu family clan.Kuafu tribe leader called braggadocio,he was extremely tall,Litaiwuqiong,strong-willed,the extraordinary spirit.At that time,the world's desolation behind,poisonous snakes wild beasts run amok,and people's lives miserable.Kuafu the purpose of this tribe of people can live births every day and led the crowd fighting with the scourge.Braggadocio often caught in ferocious yellow snake hanging in his ears as a decoration,be proud of.
One year,days of drought.Like fire and the sun scorched the ground crops,dried up river water.One hot uncomfortable,I can not live.Kuafu to see this scenario,we set ambitious vowed to catch the sun and let it listen to the people's instructions,and better service for everyone.
One day,the sun had just risen from the sea,Kuafu take significant steps from the edge of the East China Sea began his daily journey.
Sun in the sky flew forward,braggadocio on the ground as high winds to recover.Kuafu kept chasing 呀 chase,hungry,picking a wild fruit boxes; thirsty,and holding a river mouth thirst-quenching; tired,and was only a nap.His heart has been encouraging ourselves:"Soon,we must catch up with the sun,and people's lives will be happy." He catch for nine days and nine nights,from the sun,closer to us,glowing red,burning hot sun on his own head 啦.
Kuafu has crossed the one seat mountain,crossed a river section,and finally we must catch up with the sun-Yu Gu.At this time,Kuafu mind extremely excited.He may reach out to catch the sun,because of over-excitement,physical and psychological haggard,suddenly,Kuafu felt dizziness,actually passed out.When he awoke,the sun has long gone.
Kuafu still not discouraged,he summon the body's strength,she is preparing to set out.However,the closer from the sun,the more intense sunlight,Kuafu feel more and more intolerable anxiety,he felt he was covered in water have been evaporated,and urgent,he needs to drink plenty of water.So stand up and walk south-east of Kuafu the Yellow River,Fu Xiashen son,drank the water of the Yellow River,the Yellow River water was that he Hegan,and he was going to drink the water in the Weihe River.Who knows,he Hegan of the Weihe River water,or not to quench your thirst.As a result,he intended to go north,going to drink a large Ze water.However,the braggadocio is really tired and too thirsty,and when he went half way,the body will no longer unable to cope,and slowly fall to the ground,dead.
Kuafu's death,his body turned into a mountain.This is the "braggadocio Mountain",it was said Lingbao County,Henan Province is located in the West is now 35 Spirit Lake valley and the pool where the middle valley.Kuafu dropped the cane when he died,but also has become a colorful Yunxia Taolin the same.Taolin of the difficult terrain,and their descendants treat this place called the "Tao-lin chai."
Kuafu dead,he did not catch the sun.However,the Emperor of Heaven by his sacrifice,moved by the spirit of the brave heroes to punish the sun.Since then,every year of his tribal days,all things flourish.Kuafu's descendants live in Kuafu Yamashita,parenthood,offspring,life is very happy.
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