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Recently,we did a survey about comments on the post- 90's generations.Opinion varies from person to person.
There are obviously some advantages.First of all,they are independent-minded and ambitious,which means they have their own ideas and dreams.The second strength is that they are willing to accept and try new things.Also,confidence and enthusiasm are something good among the post-90's generations.In addition,they place much value on friendship and they are good at communicating with others.
However,nobody is perfect.There are surely some defects.Although they are independent in mind,they rely on parents and teachers in both study and life.And they are not able to defeat frustrations.The lack of responsibility and self-control ability is also one of their weaknesses.
Anyway,I feel lucky to be a post- 90's teenager,for we live in such a peaceful and prosperous world.And I'm proud to be one member of the post- 90's generation,because the future world depends on us.Even if we have some shortcomings,I believe as the time passes by,with more experiences,we will be a responsible and reliable generation.
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