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it's the first time you visit this city,________?反意疑问句的根据什么考虑反意疑问句是什么

it's the first time you visit this city,________?
填isn't it?

肯定的陈述句+否定的反意疑问 例如: It is fine, isn't it?
否定的陈述句+肯定的反意疑问 例如: It isn't fine, is it?
( 1 )陈述部分是“ I'm …”时,反意疑问部分一般应为“ aren't I? ”.例如:
I'm wrong, aren't I?
( 2 )陈述部分是“ There be …”句型时,反意疑问部分的主语应为 there .例如:
There's something wrong with my watch, isn't there?
( 3 )陈述部分的主语是不定代词 one 时,反意疑问部分的主语在正式场合为 one ,在非正式场合为 you .例如:
One can't be too modest, can one?
One can't be too modest, can you?
( 4 )陈述部分的主语是 this 和 that 时,反意疑问部分的主语多为 it ;若主语是 these 和 those 时,反意疑问部分的主语多用 they .例如:
This is your bike, isn't it?
Those are desks, aren't they?
( 5 )陈述部分的主语是 everybody, everyone, someone, no one, none, nobody, somebody 等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语在非正式文体中多为 they ;陈述部分的主语是 everything, anything, something, nothing 等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语一般为 it .例如:
Someone borrowed my knife yesterday, didn't they?
Nothing could prevent me from marrying you, could it?
( 6 )陈述部分的主语是动词不定式、动词的 -ing 形式或从句时,反意疑问部分的主语多为 it .例如:
Playing computer games costs the boy a lot of time, doesn't it?
What he said is wrong, isn't it?
( 7 )陈述部分是一个带有 that 从句作宾语的复合句时,反意疑问部分的主语和谓语应与陈述部分中主句的主语和谓语动词相对应.例如:
You think that you are right, don't you?
( 8 )陈述部分的主句是 I suppose, I think, I believe, I suspect, I imagine 等结构时,反意疑问部分往往是针对 that 从句中的主语和谓语动词提出,但要注意否定的转移.例如:
I don't think that she cares, does she?
( 9 )陈述部分带有 not, seldom, hardly, never, rarely, scarcely, few, little, nowhere, nothing 等否定词或半否定词时,反意疑问部分应为肯定形式;陈述部分的否定意义仅仅体现在含否定的前缀或后缀的单词上时,反意疑问部分一般仍为否定形式.例如:
Your father seldom has coffee with breakfast, does he?
It's unfair, isn't it?
( 1 )陈述部分的动词 have 表示“所有”含义时,反意疑问部分中的动词既可用 have 也可用 do 的形式;如果陈述部分的动词是 have 的否定形式,反意疑问部分中的动词是用 have 的形式还是用 do 的形式,取决于陈述部分的动词形式.若陈述部分的 have 不表示“所有”含义而是用作行为动词时,反意疑问部分中的动词必须用 do 的某种形式,例如:
You have a nice notebook, haven't you?
He doesn't have any trouble in doing the work, does he?
You had a good time in the park yesterday, didn't you?
( 2 )陈述部分带有情态动词 ought to 时,反意疑问部分中的动词可用 ought, 也可用 should .例如:
She ought to go home now, oughtn't she?
Jack ought to be responsible for his deeds, shouldn't he?
( 3 )陈述部分带有情态动词 used to 时,反意疑问部分中的动词可用 used 或 did .例如:
Your mother used to get up early, usedn't she?
As far as I can remember, John used to live here, didn't he?
( 4 )陈述部分带有情态动词 needn't 时,反意疑问部分的动词可用 need ,有时也可用 must .例如:
You needn't come yet, need you?
I needn't do that, must I?
( 5 )陈述部分带有情态动词 must ,且表示“必须”时,反意疑问部分中用 mustn't ; must 表示“有必要”时,则用 needn't .陈述部分带有 mustn't ,且表示“禁止”时,反意疑问部分中用 must .例如:
You must work harder next term, mustn't you?
You must go home right now, needn't you?
You mustn't talk with your sister like that, must you?
must 表示“一定”、“想必”等推测意义时,反意疑问部分中需根据上下文使用相应的动词形式.例如:
Tom must be very tired, isn't he?
You must have gone to the cinema yesterday, didn't you?
They must have stayed here for a long time, haven't they?
( 1 )第一部分为肯定的祈使句时,反意疑问部分一般应为“ will you? / won't you / would you? ”,有时也可为“ can you? / can't you? ”;第一部分为否定的祈使句时,反意疑问部分一般应为“ will you? ”.例如:
Be quiet, won't you?
Don't forget to call me, will you?
( 2 )第一部分为 Let's 开头的祈使句时,反意疑问部分应为“ shall we? ”.例如:
Let's go home, shall we?
第一部分为 Let us 开头的祈使句时,反意疑问部分应为“ will you? ”.例如:
Let us go home now, will you?
Let us have a look at your new watch, will you?
第一部分为 Let me 开头的祈使句时,反意疑问部分应为“ will you? ”或“ may I? ”.例如:
Let me go first, will you?