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英语阅读前边是(in the United States,30 percent of the adult population has a"weight problem"的阅读不过我找的不是翻译而是这篇阅读

英语阅读前边是(in the United States,30 percent of the adult population has a"weight problem"的阅读
In the United States,30 percent of the adult population has a"weight problem.Some people think the reason is clear-----they eat too much.But the scientific evidence does little to support this idea.Going back to the America of 1910.We can find that people were thinner than today,but they ate more food than us.In those days people worked harder,walked more ,used machines less and didn't watch TV.
Several modern studies ,such as a study of 3545 London office workers in 1979,report that fat people eat less than thin people .
Studies show that thin people are more active than fat people.A study by a group a t stanford University found the following interesting fact:
The more the men run ,the more their body fat lost.
The more they run ,the more food they need.
Those who run the most eat the more,and lose the most body fat.
1)What kind of problem do many adult Americans have?(C)
A They are too thin
B They work too hard
C They are too fat
D They lose too much body fat
2)Based on the number given in the article ,if there are 500 adult Americans ,how many of them will have weight porblem?(D)
A 30
B 50
C 100
D 150
3)Is there scientific evdence to support that eating too much is the cause of the weight problem?(C)
A Yes,there is so much evidence.
B Of course there is some evidence to show it is true.
C There is hardly any scientific evdience to support this idea.
D We don't know because the information is not given.
4)According to the passage ,the Americans of 1910__A_____.
A ate more food and had more activities.
B ate less food but had more activities.
C ate less food and had less physical exercise.
D had more weight problems.
5)What has modern medical and scientific reserach reported to us?(A)
A Fat people eat less food and are less active.
B Fat people eat more food than thin people and are more active.
C Fat people eat more food than thin people but are less active.
D Thin people run less,and have need less food to eat.
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