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英语有一个完形填空是关于颜色的第一句话是people dress not only to follow the fashion就要文章在线等~

英语有一个完形填空是关于颜色的第一句话是people dress not only to follow the fashion就要文章在线等~
People dress not only to follow the fashion.I believe that colors can influence our mood,and that what we wear depends on the mood we have on a certain day.
Generally speaking,we like to dress in light colors when we are in a good mood.It seems that then,we like to be the centre of attention and that our joy and happiness influence the people around us.Some people express their feelings in the way they dress and by the colours they choose.
On the other hand,we dress in black when somebody important to us died.It is a way to express our sadness.But some people choose to wear black clothes for other reasons.For example,some people think that they are relaxed,and the black colour makes them look thinner.
Choosing this colour make them feel more comfortable.However,we can also choose black when we want to look nice,but the colour black shows power,wealth and even mystery.
For each of us,some colours have a certain meaning and they can represent us on different occasions.If we think that a certain colour match our mood better than others,then we are going to wear that colour to make us look good or attract somebody.
In all,people dress in different colours according to their mood and the places they go to.Colour is a mirror of our personality,and our likes and dislike,so it is very important for us to find out which colour suits us best.
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