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上回乘公车,听到一首英文歌,大概是有"the sky is blue ""the world is green",记不清了,男声.
上回乘公车,听到一首英文歌,大概是有"the sky is blue ""the world is green",记不清了,男声.
西城男孩的 《my love》My Love歌词
an empty street,
an empty house,
a hole inside my heart,
i'm all alone and the rooms are getting smaller.
i wonder how,
i wonder why,
i wonder where they are,
the days we've had,
the songs we've sang together(oh yeah).
and oh my love,
i'm holding on forever,
reaching for a love that seems so far,
so i say a little prayer,
and hope my dreams will take me there,
where the skies are blue to see you once again,
my love,
over seas from coast to coast,
to find the place i love the most,
where the fields are green to see you once again,
my love.
i try to read,
i go to work,
i'm laughing with my friends,
but i can't stop to keep myself from thinking(so long).
i wonder how..
i wonder why
i wonder where they r
the days we had,the songs we sang together[oh yeah]
and oh my love.
i m holding on forever,reachign for the love that seems so far.
so i say a little prayer
and hope my dreams will take me there,
where the skies are blue to see you once again,
my love,
over seas from coast to coast,
to find the place i love the most,
where the fields are green to see you once again,
to hold u in my arms,
to promise u my love,
to tell u from my heart.
what i m thinking offfff
reaching for the love that seems so far..
[chorus starts]
so i say a little prayer.
and hope my dreams will take me there...
where the skies are blue to see you once again,
my love,
over seas from coast to coast,
to find the place i love the most,
where the fields are green to see you once again,
my love.
an empty street,
an empty house,
a hole inside my heart,
i'm all alone and the rooms are getting smaller.
i wonder how,
i wonder why,
i wonder where they are,
the days we've had,
the songs we've sang together(oh yeah).
and oh my love,
i'm holding on forever,
reaching for a love that seems so far,
so i say a little prayer,
and hope my dreams will take me there,
where the skies are blue to see you once again,
my love,
over seas from coast to coast,
to find the place i love the most,
where the fields are green to see you once again,
my love.
i try to read,
i go to work,
i'm laughing with my friends,
but i can't stop to keep myself from thinking(so long).
i wonder how..
i wonder why
i wonder where they r
the days we had,the songs we sang together[oh yeah]
and oh my love.
i m holding on forever,reachign for the love that seems so far.
so i say a little prayer
and hope my dreams will take me there,
where the skies are blue to see you once again,
my love,
over seas from coast to coast,
to find the place i love the most,
where the fields are green to see you once again,
to hold u in my arms,
to promise u my love,
to tell u from my heart.
what i m thinking offfff
reaching for the love that seems so far..
[chorus starts]
so i say a little prayer.
and hope my dreams will take me there...
where the skies are blue to see you once again,
my love,
over seas from coast to coast,
to find the place i love the most,
where the fields are green to see you once again,
my love.
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