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谁来帮我写一篇以“How to deal with the natural disaster?”为题的演讲稿 急用

谁来帮我写一篇以“How to deal with the natural disaster?”为题的演讲稿 急用
Natural disaster is inevitable and the destroy is possible to avoid.From the beigining of human nuture,we fruggle with all the disaster in many ways.Now we can conclude that there are mainly three methods to decrease the destroy.
Firstly,we should develop the forecast system of the disaster,for instance,if we have a good earthquake forecast equipment,we can take many measures to avoid death and lose.
Secondly,mainly for the govenment,it is better to found a quikly reaction system to the natural disaster and make quikly policy to save the people and other thing.
Thirdly,we should prepare for the supervened lose and avoid it as possible as we can,take the disease as example,we should prepare sufficiently immune medicine in order to avoid the disease supervene the natural disaster.
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