早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
When I was little, about 9 or 10 years old, I had very little pocket money. I tried twice to sneak into my parents' room to steal their money, perhaps 10 to 20 at a time, and they didn't find out. When I went to my grandmother's house to steal money, Grandma caught me and she told my parents, who were very shocked to hear that. My father has been strict to me since I was a child, so in this case, he ordered me to kneel down before the portrait of my dead grandfather, and he snaped me loudly. I was totally frightened, and couldn't help crying on the floor. Mom went for grandma when she saw this, and she asked grandma to stop my father. Grandma told father that children should be educated when they made a mistake, however not in such an extreme way. Grandma, knowing my father's bad temper, was worried that my father would terrify me if he kept snapping me, so she requested that I stay at her place for one night. Unable to reject Grandma, father ordered me to copy 'the three character primer' for 100 times and left.
At my Grandma's home, I copied the three character primer, crying with regret and fear, and I didn't finish a half until 12 o'clock in the morning. Grandma asked me to stop but I insist keeping on until 1 o'clock. Early in the next morning, father brought me home from Grandma's place. Since I didn't finish coping, father told me to continue in the study. After I finished, and promised I wouldn't do that again, my father finally forgave me.
At my Grandma's home, I copied the three character primer, crying with regret and fear, and I didn't finish a half until 12 o'clock in the morning. Grandma asked me to stop but I insist keeping on until 1 o'clock. Early in the next morning, father brought me home from Grandma's place. Since I didn't finish coping, father told me to continue in the study. After I finished, and promised I wouldn't do that again, my father finally forgave me.
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