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英语翻译t was a simple sign that said,Laboratory in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized,not the last seven.In other words,I guess,labor for her was more important,which mean making speeches.开头是It 少了个i

t was a simple sign that said,Laboratory in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized,not the last seven.In other words,I guess,labor for her was more important,which mean making speeches.
开头是It 少了个i
这有简单的寓意,这个房间的实验室的英文单词的前5个字母(注:Laboratory 的前5个字母是labor,指劳动)是重点,而不是后面7个字母(注:Laboratory 的后7个字母是oratory,指口才).换而言之,我推测,劳动更重要,有它就有话语权.