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英语翻译一、单项选择1.Mres,Black doesn"tbelieve her son is able to design a digital cemera,___?A.is she B.isn"t she C.doesn"t she D.does she2.We didn"t plan our art exhibition like that,but it ___ very well.A.worked out B.tried out C.went o

1.Mres,Black doesn'tbelieve her son is able to design a digital cemera,___?
A.is she B.isn't she C.doesn't she D.does she
2.We didn't plan our art exhibition like that,but it ___ very well.
A.worked out B.tried out C.went on D.carried out
3.Why don't you put the meat in the fridge?It will ___ fresh for several days.
A.be stayed B.stay C.be staying D.have stayed
4.They reall had a great time too,designing everything,drawing the blueprints,___ the angles and so on.
A.looking out B.taking out C.finding out D.figuring out
5.She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role ___ in making the earth a better place to live on.
A.to have played B.to piay C.to be played D.to be playing
6.---Can I help you,sir?
---Yes,Ibought this radio here yesterday,but it ___.
A.didn't work B.won't work C.can't work D.doesn't work
7.---You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
---Well.Now I regret ___that.
A.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having done
8.They are not only making it difficult to sleep at night,but they are ___ damage to our houses and places of historical interest.
A.doing B.rasing C.putting D.producing
9.Now that she is out of a job,Lucy ___ going back to school,but she hasn't decided yet.
A.had considered B.has been considering C.considered D.is going to consider
10.The conference had been held to discuss the effects of tourism ___ the wildlife in the area.
A.in B.on C.at D.with
11.This is the very knife ___ I used to cut pears ___this morning.
A.that;in B.which;by C.which;with D.that;with
12.I have many friends,___ some are businessmen.
A.of them B.from which C.who of D.of whom
13.The way he did it was different ___ we were used to.
A.in which B.in what C.form what D.from which
14.---Alice,you feed the bird today,___?
---But I fed it yesterday.
A.do you B.will you c.didn't you D.don't you
15.The place ___the bridge is supposed to be built should be ___ the cross-river traffic is heaviest.
A.which;where B.at which;which C.at which;where D.which;in which
1、他一直很尊敬他的叔叔,因为他是一位杰出的医生,挽救了很多人的生命.(look up to)
2、你刚走就有一个人到办公室找你.(shoretly after)
3、你对周围的世界感到好奇是件好事.(be curious about)
4、他对修车很有经验,因此有资格做这份工作.(be qualified for)
Mres,Black doesn'tbelieve (sth.),does she?这样 你懂了么?
该词组 有 行进中 运行 的意思
3.感觉选C 感觉而已 说不出来为什么
9.A 现在完成时
10.查词组吧 我也不会
This is the very knife with which I used to cut pears this morning.
some of whom
built the bridge at the cross-river where thetraffic is heaviest.