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假设你叫Jack,你上学的路上经常看到两个年轻人欺负别人.昨天你在等车时又看到这两个年轻人欺负一个小男孩,你想去制止,但当时怕惹麻烦,又害怕迟到,所以没采取任何行动就上车走了.现在你觉得很内疚,所以想写一封信给特区记者,希望他能帮你想个办法,防止类似的事情再次发生.要求80字左右,开头:Dear editor 结尾:Best wishes Jack
Dear editor
I'm Jack,a middle school student.I often see two young men bully others on my way to school.Yesterday,when I was waiting for the bus,again I saw the two young people bullying a little boy.I meant to prevent them but afraid of making trouble and being late for school,I got on the bus without doing taking helpful action.Now I feel very guilty so I write a letter to you,hoping you can think of a good idea to stop such things happening again.
Best wishes