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谁能帮我把下面这段资料整理成一篇英文文章?病人名字叫做James Boone,出生于81年3月10日,性别男,职业是工程师,婚姻状况,未婚,血系亲属是爸爸David,联系方式为01863-652984,吸烟量:无,饮酒量:无

病人名字叫做James Boone,出生于81年3月10日,性别男,职业是工程师,婚姻状况,未婚,血系亲属是爸爸David,联系方式为01863-652984,吸烟量:无,饮酒量:无
入院理由:车祸,家庭病史:心脏病(mother‘s side)过敏史:海鲜.
Name is James Boone, patients born in March 10, 81, gender male, professional is an engineer, marital status, unmarried, blood relatives of David's dad, and contact information for 01863-652984, expensive: no, drink: no
Reason: the car accident, hospital family history: heart disease (mother 's shoulders) allergy history: seafood.
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