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A) 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多焱的。

A: You look sad. What's wrong?

B:76. ____

A:Why do they do that?

B :77____ . They were angry and asked me to study harder even on weekends.

A : Maybe they are just worried about you.

B : Yeah but I just have trouble learning English. 78____ .

A : Just memorize the new words review the notes and do more exercises.

B :79____ . I don't know what to do then.

A:For the words you can just guess the meaning by reading the sentences before and after them.

B : That sounds difficult.

A:Well be patient. 80. ____

I argued with my parents just now.

It takes time.

I failed my English test.

But I am a very slow reader.

My parents don't allow me to play outside on weekends.

What should I do?

But there are too many new words in the reading part.

76. My parents don't allow me to play outside on weekends.77. 1 failed my English test.78. What should I do?79. But there are too many new words in the reading part.80. It takes time.
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