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Some schools open to outside world as a Landscape garden.I think that it will bother students
who are studing in schools and it is bad for setting a good style of study too.So that it is realy
a bad idea.When school do so, the huge numbers outside will flock in the school.Through that ,environment would be damaged in such a short time.The students would not have a clean
and serene school again!So ,how could they make a good study in such a bad environment?Just to
imagine that ,when you are reading on the grass in the shool,somebody who you never know before
are coaxing you out of your trance and talk to you to take a photo or do others,on a DAILY basis!I wonder that it could bring any dvantage for stdudents.That's my comment above.
看了 大学图书馆是否应该对外开放的...的网友还看了以下:

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