早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享

关于欧洲历史与宗教的问题急!1.How was man created in Greek myths?What do you think the relations between gods and human beings?2.Why was Gaea called the Mother Earth?How should we human beings treat our Mother Earth?3.Do you know any stor

1.How was man created in Greek myths?What do you think the relations between gods and human beings?
2.Why was Gaea called the Mother Earth?How should we human beings treat our Mother Earth?
3.Do you know any story of Eros?What do you think of the idea that “love is blind”?
4.Do you think that Greek gods are quite like human beings?Why did ancient people believe in gods?
5.What kind of people can be considered as heroes in Greek myths?What is your understanding of “heroes”?
6.What,among the Greek heroes,do you like best?Why do people love the stories of heroes?
7.Can you tell us a story about love in the Trojan War?What is your idea about love?
8.Do you think it is fair to blame Helen for the outbreak of the Trojan War?If yes,then why?If no,then who should be blamed for the war?
9.What did Achilles pursue in the Trojan War?Do you think his pursuit will also be your goal in your life?
10.Why did Odysseus refuse the offer of immortality and was determined to go back home?Do you think what he pursued is still important for a person in modern society?
11.Why did men give up building the Tower of Babel?What do you think might be the barriers for communication and mutual understanding?
12.According to the Bible,how did man get his life?What’s your comment on those who committed suicide?
13.What happened to Adam and Eve after they ate the fruit from the tree of Knowledge?What is your opinion about knowledge and hardships?
14.What was the Ten Commandments?What is your opinion about law and freedom?
15.How do you understand “God helps those who help themselves”?What factors may help a person to achieve his / her success?
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