早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
以下是《新编实用英语综合教程2(北京版)》第七页的课文!求翻译! if someone asks if you are free at a certain time and invites you to an event,you are not required to commit yourself until you know what the invitation is for .For example,if you say that you're free and the invitation turns our to be something you'd hate to do (a trip to a local sight you've seen ten times),then you will be in a position to take back your acceptance or invent an excuse later.if this happens,tell the person who invites you that you have to check and that you'll tell him or her later.If an invitation must be refused,most people expect a reason.The following sequence would be appropriate:apology,reason for refusal,thanks for the invitation.希望英语好的朋友能帮助我,用翻译软件翻译的就不用答复了...
以下是《新编实用英语综合教程2(北京版)》第七页的课文!求翻译! if someone asks if you are free at a certain time and invites you to an event,you are not required to commit yourself until you know what the invitation is for .For example,if you say that you're free and the invitation turns our to be something you'd hate to do (a trip to a local sight you've seen ten times),then you will be in a position to take back your acceptance or invent an excuse later.if this happens,tell the person who invites you that you have to check and that you'll tell him or her later.If an invitation must be refused,most people expect a reason.The following sequence would be appropriate:apology,reason for refusal,thanks for the invitation.希望英语好的朋友能帮助我,用翻译软件翻译的就不用答复了...
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