早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
__(倒) the milk into the glass,please.
My mother often __(剥) bananas for my little sister before she eats them.
__(最后),they got home at 7:00.
There are hundreds of __(鸭子) swimming in the river.
Do you like eating __(三明治)?
She gave me a __(礼物) on my birthday party.
He took his children out for a __(驱车旅行).
Lily wants __(赢) the race very much.
__(倒) the milk into the glass,please.
My mother often __(剥) bananas for my little sister before she eats them.
__(最后),they got home at 7:00.
There are hundreds of __(鸭子) swimming in the river.
Do you like eating __(三明治)?
She gave me a __(礼物) on my birthday party.
He took his children out for a __(驱车旅行).
Lily wants __(赢) the race very much.
Pour(倒) the milk into the glass,please.
My mother often peel(剥) bananas for my little sister before she eats them.
At last(最后),they got home at 7:00.
There are hundreds of ducks(鸭子) swimming in the river.
Do you like eating sandwich(三明治)?
She gave me a gift(礼物) on my birthday party.
He took his children out for a driving trip.(驱车旅行).
Lily wants to win(赢) the race very much.
My mother often peel(剥) bananas for my little sister before she eats them.
At last(最后),they got home at 7:00.
There are hundreds of ducks(鸭子) swimming in the river.
Do you like eating sandwich(三明治)?
She gave me a gift(礼物) on my birthday party.
He took his children out for a driving trip.(驱车旅行).
Lily wants to win(赢) the race very much.
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