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The sun came out,I squatted under the eaves,quietly staring ahead like a thinker.A cute little insect drill into my eyes,let my eyes suddenly one zheng.It looks sosmall,like the wind blows will fly away like.However,the next thing is beyond me.It is waving his front paws,hold up a slice of bread crumbs,it seems impossible,wasit completed!Holding the bread crumbs,it seems very happy,seems to find thetreasures.Walked about thirty cm,it looks as if he's tired,put the bread crumbs,look around,looking for the partner's help,just pass by,the insects are sounfeeling,no one would like to come and help it.Look at the poor it,my hearttugging,thought:the human does not do?Later,I saw it stubbornly hold a grain of rice,stubborn to walk!Stop and go all the way,walking more and more slowly.When it came to the hole,it's face seems of smile,laugh so happy!After all,this isit by virtue of their own efforts.At that moment,my brain seemed empty,the heartas if thinking of sth.
The face of difficulties,everyone will help,but,anyone would really help?Yes,but those who scanty.Many people see someone for help,although heart wanted to help him,but,weak ah; some people,though,see,but not to help,only one side in the light looks; some people,you see,is like not to see,or even to seek helppeople shouted of course,this is,for the few lowlife!
Since people don't help,then your efforts,struggle,just like that,a small bug,no one to help,stubborn to go,until the end of the day!Sometimes,stubborn is aharm you not shallow sword; sometimes,it is the sword to help you.A small bug,by virtue of a stubborn will,go to the small hole in front of.So,why don't we havecome to the end!A singer of the song very well:I want to fly to the sky,I would fly to the vertex,and no one can view,then fly tired,are not allowed to own falls,until the sun in my fingertips,I'll fly away,to the edge of the world,I want to fly nobody toabsolute to the end,not,no tears,to cry in the most shocking moment glitter.Although I don't know the meaning of the song,but the lyrics,I can light to understand a stubborn!
In the face of difficulties we have to work hard,like bugs,so stubborn to walk,even if zaikuzailei,must hold on!At the end,we will find,stubborn to walk on!
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