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it ___sad that some people are deaf.A is B will be C are D be 请具体说明理由.

it ___sad that some people are deaf.
A is B will be C are D be 请具体说明理由.
It ___sad that some people are deaf. 选择题
A is B will be C are D be 请具体说明理由.谢谢
析:that-从句是真正的主语,it作主语,排除CD. it will be sad 指的是将来,而that-从句讲的是一般的事实,排除B,It is +adj. +that-从句是个句型.例句可以看下面的教案.

PS: 上面的是我多看了几次教案后才重新答的.一开始和其它人一样,自动地将sad改成了said, 而成为句型:it is said that . “据说.”句型.后来发现,不会将said拼成sad拼错两次!后来才发现,楼主确实没有打错said!
即使这样,这题还是有问题的,sad的是人,不是事!一般说:I am sorry (unhappy/sad ) that some people are deaf.

答:一看这题就是有问题的小学初中题.答案为A没有问题.(sad为said之笔误大家都能看出来),关键是,题句没有意义,它和说:我今天中午在街上看见有几个人 一样的没有意义,如果说:我今天中午在街上看见有几个人在打架,这样才有跟人说的必要.

Unit 6 A charity walk
Unit 6 A charity walk

二. 教学目标:
掌握Unit 6的语法结构和用法:
It’s adj. that clause
It’s adj. to do
It’s adj. for sb. to do

Now if you are a sports fan, please follow me and look at some funny pictures.
Let’s learn ‘It’s adj. …’句型
Read sentences
1. It’s wonderful that I can stay with mum for some time.
2. It’s impossible that you can kick a goal.
3. It’s necessary to tell girls who I am.
4. It’s important for Beckham to kick a goal.
5. It’s funny for the fan to dress as Alerting.
It 是形式主语,that从句才是真正的主语.如:
【It is sad that some people are blind. 】
It is wrong that we look down on disabled people.
It is necessary that we learn English well.
It is important that you have your own support team.
It is certain that he will come. 他一定会来.
It’s true that he may fall behind the other students. 他真的可能落后于其他同学.
It is strange that he should say so. 他居然这么说,真是奇怪.
1. It is necessary _______________(我们帮助老人)
【2. It is sad ___________________(有些人是聋的)】
3. It is ________(错误的)that some people______________(看不起) blind people.
4. It is sad that some children in poor countries______________(不能上学).
1. that we help the elderly.
2. that some people are deaf.
3. wrong ,look down on
4. can’t go to school

一、用“It is + adj. + that”连接句子
1. necessary/ we keep our city clean
2. dangerous/ people drive after drinking
3. wrong/ you give the children sweets every day
4. sad/ people in poor countries do not have enough food
5. possible/ we will live on Mars in the future
1. It’s necessary that we keep our city clean.
2. It’s dangerous that people drive after drinking.
3. It’s wrong that you give the children sweets every day.
4. It’s sad that people in poor countries do not have enough food.
5. It’s possible that we will live on Mars in the future.