早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
In 1904,Mr Smith sold bowls of ice cream from his outdoor ice cream stand.On a very hot day,many people wanted
to buy ice cream,but he did't have enough bowls.What do you think he did?How did he solve problem?
妙计:1.( )2.( )3.( )
Many many years ago ,people usuallly wore shoes with buttons.It often took people a long time to fasten these shoes because the shoes had lots of buttons.Old Peter had something wrong with his back,so he couldn't do with his shoes himslf.Old Peter wanted to get help.As a good student,please think of some goodideas for him.Will you?Can you?I'm sure you can
妙计:1.( )2.( )3.( ) 用英语或中文回答
In 1904,Mr Smith sold bowls of ice cream from his outdoor ice cream stand.On a very hot day,many people wanted
to buy ice cream,but he did't have enough bowls.What do you think he did?How did he solve problem?
妙计:1.( )2.( )3.( )
Many many years ago ,people usuallly wore shoes with buttons.It often took people a long time to fasten these shoes because the shoes had lots of buttons.Old Peter had something wrong with his back,so he couldn't do with his shoes himslf.Old Peter wanted to get help.As a good student,please think of some goodideas for him.Will you?Can you?I'm sure you can
妙计:1.( )2.( )3.( ) 用英语或中文回答
1 做成蛋卷卖~改成大排档,吃完走人碗留下~加上小棒棒,做成雪糕咯~:)
2 鞋子上装上拉链 ; 发明拖鞋!; 鞋带儿是不是也比“lots of buttons”省事一些~
2 鞋子上装上拉链 ; 发明拖鞋!; 鞋带儿是不是也比“lots of buttons”省事一些~
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