早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


To celebrate the 10th anniversary of our school, a photograohic display will be held in our school on July 25th. All the students can take part in this competition. Both the colourful and black-and-white photographs are acceptable. However,the photos must reflect the natural scenery, famous places or hisrorical sites local customs of China and so forth. Remember that these photos must be taken by yourself. Duplicating other people's works is shameful and will be rejected. It’s not only a problem whether you can get the prize, but also a problem whether you are honest. At last, please do not fail to hand in your works to Mrs.Li, in Room 509, the Fifth floor, No.2 Buliding
before July the 10th.
看了 帮忙写一篇为庆祝学校成立十周...的网友还看了以下:

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