早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
①Where is my book?
Without it l can't cook.
Where are my glasses?
Without them l can't see the babies.
Where is my dog?
With him l sleep like a log.
Where is my cat?
Her fur is as warm as my hat.
②l love my grandpa, who has a very old car.
l love my grandma, who comes from very far.
l love father, who is a very good teacher.
l love mother, who is a nice housekeeper.
l love my brother, who is very clever.
l love my sister, who will be a great singer.
Chant about two big tress
1. Two Big Trees
Two big trees,
taller than the house.
The trees are tall.
Two big trees.
Two big trees,
older than the house.
The trees are old.
Two big trees.
Two big trees,
stronger than the house.
The trees are strong.
Two big trees.
Big, strong, old trees.
Two big trees.
Two big trees.
Without it l can't cook.
Where are my glasses?
Without them l can't see the babies.
Where is my dog?
With him l sleep like a log.
Where is my cat?
Her fur is as warm as my hat.
②l love my grandpa, who has a very old car.
l love my grandma, who comes from very far.
l love father, who is a very good teacher.
l love mother, who is a nice housekeeper.
l love my brother, who is very clever.
l love my sister, who will be a great singer.
Chant about two big tress
1. Two Big Trees
Two big trees,
taller than the house.
The trees are tall.
Two big trees.
Two big trees,
older than the house.
The trees are old.
Two big trees.
Two big trees,
stronger than the house.
The trees are strong.
Two big trees.
Big, strong, old trees.
Two big trees.
Two big trees.
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