早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Time:One day on a cold snowy winnter
Place:meeting room
Cast of Characters
the Boss,Mr.Fu,
the accountant,Mr.Yang,
the planner.Me
When the company was set up at the early stage,there were
four people:the Boss,Mr.Fu,themanager,Mis.Liu,the
accountant,Mr.Yang,and me-the planner.Though He was over sixty,he is still very active,especially the orderly teeth which even us Young have to be convinced.How can the boss maintain such a good teeth?Or...,Though everybody have their own idea about this,they all bite their tongue,
for after all,they are still in the company.
He reminded me not to forget to bring my ruler.The judge
reminded the witness that he was under oath.The summary of
working schedule will be disscussed in every friday
morning,so in thursday afternoon,boss reminded us to come ealier.
Something unexpected may happen any time!A heavy snow in
Thursday disturbed our former plan.Although everybody
tried to catch the first bus to reach the company,they
were all late at last.However,it is not too bad,because
the boss was not present,either.It might be for the reason
of traffice jam.Everybody came into the conference room in
order after clearing up one's own matters,sitting to wait for the boss.Half an hour passed,there came sound of
footsteps,which told eveybody clearly,the boss arrived late.
Just as expected,it was done by him.He seemed hurried
and his color was not very good,after all he was the last to reach.He cleared up his cloth easily.When he was to speak and moved his mouth a little consciously,he feeled something strange.Everybody was looking at him,and it seemed that theboss was going to say something.However,he still didn't speak after a few minutes.The unexpected scene happened that he turned back,wrote on the blackboard stressfully:"Report is postponed to next Friday!" He put the chalk down and left the meeting room in a hurry.
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