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“How eo live well”为题的英文作文有没有啊?急用

“How eo live well”为题的英文作文有没有啊?
你题目名都写错了,应是how to live well.
Physical well and mental satisfaction is the root or base for the everyday doings.In my opinion the recognition from the society for one person as an individual is the most potential.
When you or your wife give birth to a baby,in such a moment you experience the happy-event,you'd like to have all the quantities around know that you have an offspring.People greet you,and you feel in heaven.That' it.
Everybody longs on better living,the first thing you are asked to do is deriving the concerns.The more your relatives and colleages or classmates care about you,the more you will feel like being filled with opportunities,even if you feel more on people laughing at you.
It is not unfortunate when you saw their glancing at you.They do such things because you become famous in an area but they do not know why.Your duty is explaining what you have done,whatever but rather the ones in which you presented your good manners.
You will receive sympathy,you will make friends.
Then one couldn't live on without believes,or careers.If you do have one,no problem.Else you'd better find one.What interest you most?Looking for a perfict one is a waste of time.No absolute subject.However,you can always find a better,don't hesitate to have a try though there is some career you must devote to it besides no one restrict your hobbies as long that they do no harm to the society.
Precisely,living well is a concept with more contents,I merely gave my attitudes.
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