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Retirement Problem in Rural China
Farmers is the largest social classes and interest groups for economic development in China has made great contribution to the poorer classes of our country is one of the most need of protection groups, study and solve the pension problem farmers, are related to the rural economy and social sustainability of the steady development of the problem is directly related to the stability and order in rural sustainable development of agriculture. The problem of rural old-age is directly related to the stability and order in rural sustainable development of agriculture, due to the collapse of the inherent ethical system and the development of commodity economy in rural areas, by constructing and continuously improve the legal system to regulate the rural old-age pension is a general trend in rural areas, is related to national economic development and modernization of reality. With the deepening of the process of market economy and the degree of increase of population aging, rural old family security, land security and collective security in a triangular-type support system gradually disintegrated, in this context, the rural elderly population appear to be more old-age problem To highlight and urgent to establish the coexistence of various forms of rural old-age security system conforms to China's rural conditions, but also conducive to the operation and implementation. This paper reviews the patterns of rural old-age the development process in the rural old-age models available based on the analysis, reveals the old-age security in rural areas in our country is facing a major problem and are given strategies to solve the problem of rural old-age and Methods.
Farmers is the largest social classes and interest groups for economic development in China has made great contribution to the poorer classes of our country is one of the most need of protection groups, study and solve the pension problem farmers, are related to the rural economy and social sustainability of the steady development of the problem is directly related to the stability and order in rural sustainable development of agriculture. The problem of rural old-age is directly related to the stability and order in rural sustainable development of agriculture, due to the collapse of the inherent ethical system and the development of commodity economy in rural areas, by constructing and continuously improve the legal system to regulate the rural old-age pension is a general trend in rural areas, is related to national economic development and modernization of reality. With the deepening of the process of market economy and the degree of increase of population aging, rural old family security, land security and collective security in a triangular-type support system gradually disintegrated, in this context, the rural elderly population appear to be more old-age problem To highlight and urgent to establish the coexistence of various forms of rural old-age security system conforms to China's rural conditions, but also conducive to the operation and implementation. This paper reviews the patterns of rural old-age the development process in the rural old-age models available based on the analysis, reveals the old-age security in rural areas in our country is facing a major problem and are given strategies to solve the problem of rural old-age and Methods.
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