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改一篇英语作文 老师、大神进
Advantages Disvantages
方便(convenient) 看不见物品
24小时营业 容易受到欺骗(be cheated)
不用排队 不能享受与朋友一起购物的乐趣
、、、、、、 、、、、、、
Shopping online is quite popular in our daily life now.(首句,下面是我写的) It has advantages but also has disvantages.
The advantage of shopping online is convenient because the shops on the Internet are open 24 hours a day and yhe shoppers shouldn't wait in the line of people.
The disadvantage of shopping online is easy to de cheated because we can't see the goods.Also,we can't enjoy the joy of shopping with friends.
I think we can shop online if the things we want to buy are difficult to find and we can shop with friends if we want to spent free time.
It has advantages 1.and disvantages.
The advantage of shopping online is 1.that it's convenient because the shops on the Internet are open 24 hours a day and 2.the shoppers 3.needn't wait in the line 4..
The disadvantage of shopping online is 5.that it is easy to be cheated because we can't see the goods.Also,we can't enjoy 6.the pleasure of shopping with friends.
I think we can shop online if the things we want to buy are difficult to find 7.in the supermarket and we can shop with friends if we want to 8.spend free time.
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